Century Golem Eastern Mountains
Return to Carvania in the follow-up to Century: Golem Edition.
In Century: Golem Edition – Eastern Mountains, players resume their roles as crystal traders and are now out exploring the Carvania mountain ranges and associated valleys seeking to establish a trade network.
Century Golem: Eastern Mountains reimplements Century: Eastern Wonders but with vivid manga-inspired art. Explore the new gameplay elements and combine this game with Century: Golem Edition to play the unique game "The Call for Adventure."
Let’s rock!
Players explore more of Carvania as they take to mountains and valleys to collect and trade soul crystals in an effort to activate the amazing golems!
Mechanics include: Contracts, Grid Movement, Modular Board, Pick-up and Deliver, Point to Point Movement and Set Collection
Players: 2-4
Recommended Age: 8+
Playtime in minutes: 30-45